Introducing JAK’s turning

My name is Jason, and I am the owner/operator of JAK’S turning. I live in WA State USA. I began lathe turning in 2023 and enjoy making custom every day items including pens and pencils My wife Stephanie custom makes many of the pen blanks that I turn. I also make many diffent items for home such as bowls, magnifying glasses, ice cream scoops, coffee scoops, BBQ tools, meauring spoons/cups, seam rippers, crochet hook sets, and spinning tops etc. I am always adding new products to my repiteroir.

An item that is unique to us are our Wizard Wands. What make them unique is how you get to select them—you can choose based on the wand lore that suits you. Every item I turn is unique. I never make an item the same way twice so you get a one of a kind product.

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